Resolution 2024-02 Discontinuance of Ravine Street Conclusion w/ Description, Map

Resolution 2024-01 Discontinuance of Ravine Street
Resolution 2024-01 Discontinuance of Ravine Street Legal Description
Resolution 2024-01 Discontinuance of Ravine Street Map

Resolution 2023-03 Increase in the Elk Mound Fire District Budget

Resolution 2023-02 Ratification of Municipal Disaster Proclamation

Resolution 2023-01 Approving and Authorizing the Joint Agreement Between Elk Creek Solar, the Town of Spring Brook, and the County of Dunn Regarding the Construction and Operation of a Photovoltaic Electrical-Generating Facility

Resolution 2021-05 Electors Exceeding the Levy Limit

Resolution 2021-04 proposing to exceed the levy limit.

Resolution 2021-01 regarding proposed changes to the Dunn County Land Division Ordinance

Resolution 2021-02 regarding purchase of land for approved grant @ Elk Creek Lake area

Resolution 2021-03 regarding adoption of ward plan and combining municipal wards


Here is a list of Town of Spring Brook Ordinances. More will be added in the near future.

Alcohol Control Ordinance (full content – summary below)

Class B Road of 320th Avenue Ordinance

Land Division Ordinance

Burning Permit Ordinance

Utility Ordinance
Utility Ordinance Posting of Notice


Resolution to Exceed the Town Tax Levy
Resolution #2019-R04

The Town of Spring Brook Meeting of Electors adopted Resolution #2019-R04 on November 11, 2019.  The resolution raises the Town’s levy limit by 4.382876 percent, an amount of $15,000.
The entire resolution is available by contacting the Town Clerk.
Mary L. Strand, Clerk
Town of Spring Brook
715-664-8545 Town Hall Office
Posted online 11/13/2019

Resolution to Propose Exceeding Levy Limit
Resolution #2019-R03

The Town of Spring Brook Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution #2019-R03 on October 22, 2019.  A portion of the resolution states that:
1. The town board supports an increase in the town tax levy for 2019 that will exceed the state levy limit;
2. The town board directs that the question of increasing the town tax levy for 2019 (to be collected in 2020) by 4.382876 percent, which would increase the town levy by $15,000 for a total town tax levy of $357,241, shall be placed on the agenda for the special town meeting to be held on November 11, 2019.
The entire resolution is available by contacting the Town Clerk.
Mary L. Strand, Clerk
Town of Spring Brook
Posted online on 10/28/2019

Ordinance Amendment No. 2019-R01 to
Ordinance No. 2014.01 Establishing Designation and Regulation of All-Terrain Vehicle Routes
This ordinance amendment opens all Town of Spring Brook roads for use to all-terrain and utility-task vehicles for a temporary period expiring on January 31, 2020.
Posted online June 18, 2019

Ordinance Amendment No. 2019-R02 to
Plan Commission Ordinance of October 2002
This ordinance amendment states the Plan Commission shall consist of seven (7) members.  It had previously been set at five (5).
Posted online June 18, 2019TOWN OF SPRING BROOK
“Town Transportation Resolution #2018.01”

The Town of Spring Brook of Dunn County, Wisconsin, adopted Resolution #2018.01 “Town Transportation Resolution” at its September 10, 2018, Regular Town Board Meeting, taking effect upon posting of September 13, 2018.  The resolution, as recommended by the WTA (Wisconsin Towns Association)  is directed to the Governor and Legislature to agree upon a long-term, sustainable solution to the State of Wisconsin’s transportation system.  The full resolution is available by contacting the Town Clerk at 715-664-8545.

Mary L. Strand, Clerk
Town of Spring Brook
Posted September 13, 2018

“Appointment of Clerk and Treasurer Positions” Ordinance

The Town of Spring Brook of Dunn County, Wisconsin, adopted Ordinance 2018.01 “Appointment of Clerk and Treasurer Positions Ordinance” at its August 21, 2018, Special Town Board Meeting, taking effect upon publication of August 25, 2018.  The ordinance creates a referendum question for the November 6, 2018, General Election ballot asking voters if the elected Town Clerk and elected Town Treasurer shall be appointed Town Clerk and appointed Town Treasurer, both appointed by the Town Board.  The full ordinance is available by contacting the Town Clerk at 715-664-8545.

Mary L. Strand, Clerk
Town of Spring Brook
Published August 25, 2018
Posted August 22, 2018

Alcohol Control Ordinance
The Town of Spring Brook of Dunn County, Wisconsin, adopted Ordinance 2017.01 “Alcohol Control Ordinance” at its January 9, 2017, Regular Town Board Meeting, taking effect upon publication of January 15, 2017.  The ordinance prohibits the licensing or permitting and the sale of alcoholic and/or fermented malt beverages in the Town of Spring Brook.  The full ordinance is available by contacting the Town Clerk at 715-664-8545.
Mary L. Strand, Clerk                    Posted January 13, 2017
Town of Spring Brook                    Published January 15, 2017ATV/UTV Ordinance – Amendment 2018-01

The Town of Spring Brook, Dunn County, adopted Amendment 2018-01 regarding “Ordinance Establishing Designation and Regulation of All-Terrain Vehicle Routes” at its April 9, 2018, Regular Town Board Meeting.  This amendment, on a trial basis through January 31, 2019, allows landowners additional use and also allows the addition of 1010th Street as an established route.  The amendment, in its entirety, has been posted and is available by contacting the Town of Spring Brook Clerk.
Mary L. Strand, Clerk
Town of Spring Brook
Posted online 4-21-2018